Results for: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Mental Health and Wellness
  • North Vancouver, BC, Canada

  1. Provides in-home services for families with children and youth with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders who are experiencing challenging behaviours. Services include a functional behaviour assessment and/or skills assessment, and individualized progr...
  2. Provides community supervision and custody programs to youth ages 12 to 17. Youth probation officers work in multidisciplinary offices throughout the province, and are responsible for the community-based supervision of youth in conflict with the law. Youth who...
  3. 101.51KM
    Provides telephone and chat peer support to LGBTQIA2S youth residing within BC, as well as information and referral services to help youth find local queer resources. Also has an online directory of support services for LGBTQ2S youth. Phone lines and chat serv...
  4. 3356.16KM
    Committed to improving the quality of life for all Canadian amputees by providing information on all aspects of living with amputation, financial assistance for artificial limbs, and peer support for children. Operates many programs including the CHAMP Program...
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